T-2 days until we turn overselves into butterballs after consuming every amazing dish.
But if you're anything like me, you want to enjoy the day but also not gain 10 pounds over the holidays.
A friend recently asked me for some workout ideas, and thought what I sent her might interest others who are wanting to burn fat while still enjoying that piece of pumpkin pie :)
The one workout that will be best is high intensity interval training (HIIT). These workouts are relatively short, but they burn calories during and after your workout, which makes them more effective than doing a leisurely run.
60 minute toning + running intervals (See above video. I think I'm going to do this one on Thanksgiving!)
30 minute treadmill intervals (I about die doing this. It's quick and burns lots of calories during and after your workout)
30 minute elliptical intervals (In case you're not in the mood for running)
Fat Blasting Stair Workout (Do you have stairs around? This looks awesome!)
50 minute Elliptical Intervals
Treadmill HIIT + Core Conditioning (I love this ab video. Haven't tried it yet, but definitely will soon!)
How are you staying fit over Thanksgiving? Anybody doing a Turkey Trot?!
I want to do a Turkey Trot sooooo bad, but I don't want to pay $30 :/
Callie, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Thanks for posting these workouts - I especially like the treadmill ones. I know the winter chill will eventually set in, so those will be good go-to workouts for the gym. And I wanted to do a Turkey Trot, too, but just couldn't fit it in this time. Maybe next year!